Scratch – Introduction to Scratch : Online Course
Save/Load the Project |
How you can save the project on your computer:
- Click on File in the Menu Bar.

- Select the option Save to your computer.

- In the opened dialogue window, select a folder and enter the name under which you will save your project,
- Then click the Save button.
How you can load the project on your computer:
- Click on File in the Menu Bar.
- Click Load from your computer.

- Select the saved file (should be named with a .sb3 file extension) on your computer that you used for the offline editor, and let it upload.
- Now, the project is on the online editor, you can share it.
आशा करता हूँ, कि यह आर्टिकल आपको पसंद आया होगा तो सोच क्या रहे हैं अभी इसी वक्त इसे अपने दोस्तों के साथ सोशल मीडिया पर Share करें।
Thanking You………………धन्यवाद………………..शुक्रिया………………..मेहरबानी…………………..
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