Scratch – Introduction to Scratch : Online Course
Access the Scratch |
Scratch website is not just a website. Rather it provides good learning material, also explains how to interact with other users and much more. Scratch provides two modes of editor are following.

Note: Both editors have same functionality.
Online Scratch Editor |
- Children can access the online Scratch editor at
- Signing up for an account is free.

- The online editor uses Flash so check that children will have access to a browser with a Flash plugin.
- The Scratch Online editor can be used with or without Scratch Accounts.
- Without Scratch Account: Click Start Creation → Open online scratch editor

Note: You cannot save Program online
If you are not existing user first create account.
- With Scratch Account: If you are new user
- To start a new project, go to
- Click the Join Scratch link at the top of the page to create an account.
- A Join Scratch window opens
- Create Username
- Create Password (two time write)
- Click Next

- In Next window → Select Country

- In Next window → Select Date of Birth

- In Next window → Click Gender Detail

- In Next window → Fill Email Address
- Click Create your Account

- If you have a SCRATCH account,
- Then Go to Sign In Button
- Enter Username & Password

- When using online Scratch with user accounts children will save their work online.
- Children use File → Download to your computer to save their work and File → Upload from your computer to continue working on a project.
Offline Scratch Editor |
Installing the Scratch Offline Editor on Windows
To install the Scratch Offline Editor to your Windows computer, use the following steps.
- Go to the download page at

- Choose your operating System

- Download Scratch Software
- Run the .exe file

- Scratch will then begin to install

- Complete Scratch 3 Setup: Click finish button

- Open Scratch Window

In this online course, cover online and offline scratch information in detail.
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