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Scratch – Exploring all the Block: Online Course

List Block

listThe list’s value.
add () to ()Adds an item to the list (the item goes at the bottom of the list of items) with the specified content in it.
delete () of ()delete all of ()The block can delete the item inputted, the last item, or all items of the specified list depending on the option selected.
insert () at () of ()Adds an item to the list (the item goes where you specify in the list of items) with the specified content in it.
replace item () of () with ()Replaces the item’s content with the specified content.
item () of ()The block reports the value of the specified entry in a specified list.
length of () 2The block reports how many items a list contains.
() contains () 2The condition for checking if an item’s content is the specified text.
show list ()Shows a list.
hide list ()Hide a list.