GitHub Campus Expert free program 2022 | Enrich your college technical community
GitHub Campus Expert free program 2022 | Enrich your college technical community: The GitHub Campus Expert Program is a great chance to help your organization. GitHub Campus Expert is a campus expert in which You build a developer community at your institution and a tech community at your school with training and support from GitHub.

About GitHub Campus Expert
GitHub Education is on a mission to build communities and support emerging tech talent around the world. How? We’re looking for the next batch of technical student leaders to apply to the GitHub Campus Experts Program!
About GitHub Campus Experts Program Feb 2022
GitHub is looking for passionate students for its Free Campus Expert Program 2022. Campus experts are student leaders who strive to create various and containing spaces for learning skills, sharing their experiences, and creating projects together. Learn the skills to build and grow diverse technology communities on campus with training, mentorship, and support from GitHub.
What You Will Learn?
- Public Speaking
- Technical Writing
- Software Development
- Community leadership
Benefits of the Program
- Use GitHub training to learn best practices for the community.
- Receive unique goodies and GitHub support for your events.
- Interact and cooperate with student community leaders outside of your college.
- Expand your horizons by attending GitHub conferences and giving presentations.
Eligibility Criteria
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Validate your student status through the GitHub Student Developer Pack.
- Be enrolled in a post-secondary formal education institution.
- Have more than one year left as a student before graduating.
- Be a GitHub user for at least six months.
- Not be enrolled in the GitHub Campus Advisors Program.
How to Apply? – Steps to Register
- Get the GitHub Student Developer Pack: The GitHub Student Developer Pack provides you with free access to over 100 premium developer tools. You must have the Pack in order to apply to the program.
- Fill out the application form: Fill out the application to tell us about yourself and your interest in the program. Applications are accepted for one month in February and one month in August. You will be notified of your application status two weeks after it closes.
- Submit a video resume: If your application is accepted, you will be asked to send in a 5-minute video presenting yourself and your community. Please share your motives, community vision, and goals with us. After getting the invitation, the film must be submitted within two weeks. We will analyze your submission and notify you of the status of your application within a week. Please keep in mind that we have additional ways for you to send your CV if necessary.
- Welcome to the program! : Congratulations if your entry was accepted! You were accepted into the program. You will complete the GitHub Campus Experts Training. The training consists of six modules and takes 12 hours to complete over the course of six weeks.
- Finish the training: You’ll become a GitHub Campus Expert after submitting a community proposal that will act as a guideline for your community at the end of your training.
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