Digital Marketing – Evolution of Marketing: Online Course
The marketing industry is constantly evolving and is a complex mix of both strategy and technology. Previously, marketing was only dependent on trying to sell goods and services. The concept of marketing as we know it originated with the development of the Industrial Revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. This gradual change can be traced under four periods and captions namely, production orientation period, sales-orientation period, customer-orientation period, and social orientation period.
Evolution of Marketing Thought
There is seven Era of the evolution of Marketing, we will talk one by one briefly that what was actually these Era.
Trade Era (<1850s)
The simple trade era was a time when everything was made by hand and was only available in limited supply. This was also a time when basic goods ruled. Families produced what they ate. So little marketing is needed.
They use the “Barter System”, what is the Barter system? Exchanging things for things. For example, I have cotton and you have wheat and let’s make such an exchange.

Production Era (1850s-1920s)
Industrial revolution; mass productionFew products and little competition.
The production era began during the Industrial Revolution. During this period, factories started, installing machines and people started going to work in factories. Products were produced in mass and at a low cost. Typically businesses only produced one product at a time.

Sales Era (1920s-1940s)
What is actually the sales Era? There will also be production, marketing has also focused, now the product is ready. You need a salesperson to sell it, according to this, marketing is the name of selling.

Marketing Department Era (1940s-1960s)
The marketing department was defined during this era. Customer orientation replaced the “hard sell” of the sales-led era. Determination of the needs and wants of customers before introducing products or services. The marketers realized that production and selling is not just marketing. We also have to do branding, advertisements, and brochures.
Often you saw that you have received Pizza Pampfate “Buy one get one free”, it started around that time. This time marketing is called brand development.
Marketing Company Era (1960s-1990s)
In this era, brand development people, production people, selling people sat together at the same table and they decided that if our company wants the best profitability, we have to work together. Then the whole customer strategy began to sit together, it is called the marketing company Era.

Relationship Marketing Era (1990s-2010s)
As soon as the company started the journey towards profitability, going to 1990, the company found out that because the customer has more options, only selling and branding are not working for us.
Selling and branding don’t work, so what’s the answer? The answer was the relationship. Companies decide to build a strong relationship with the customer so that they can become our long-term customers, which is called the relationship Era.

Social/Mobile Marketing Era (2010-Present)
Presently, businesses focus communicating with customers in real time using social media. Thanks to the ongoing development in technology, customers can connect with a business 24/7. Considering the rate at which communication channels are developed, marketing will continue to change.
After going through all these Eras, marketing completes its evaluation round, but then what is marketing providing to the company? Digital marketing is providing the following things to the company:
- Exploring New Avenues
- Optimization Production
- Creating and Advertising Brands
- Making Companywide Efforts
- Creating Customer Relationships
- Involving Communities
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The Evolution of Marketing: Complete Discussion
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