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Category Archives: Notes

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Types of Blockchain & Smart Contracts Notes

In this article, we are going to learn about the three different types of blockchains & smart contracts. Bitcoin is one of the types of blockchain applications is known as the public. An important feature of smart contract implementation is that you do not need

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Digital Signature (Notes)

Digital Signature (Notes) explains various things in this blog such as what, Why, and How is a Digital Signature? etc. Digital Signature (DS): Many legal, financial and other documents of authenticity is determined by the presence or absence of authorized handwritten signature. This problem has

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TRIGONOMETRY: Trigonometric identities and equations

Trigonometric identities and equations: Trigonometry (from Greek trigonon “triangle” + metron “measure”) In 1831, Michael Faraday discovers a small electric current when a wire is passed by a magnet. This phenomenon is known as Faraday’s law. This property is used to produce electricity by rotating thousands

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How Blockchain Transaction Works?

Blockchains are so secure. Once the data has been recorded, it will not be changed and it will store permanently. The block is completed each time, a new block is generated. We will learn how a Blockchain transaction works in a step-by-step process. How Blockchain

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Applications of Blockchain Technology

Applications of Blockchain Technology: The blockchain is now a new replacement for traditional currency, centralized banking, and transaction methods that are changing the way we handle financial transactions, not only. Blockchain will also be the best way to share information in times to come. so

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Introduction of Blockchain (Notes)

Introduction of Blockchain: We have been listening to the word bitcoin for a long time. People have many questions in their minds about Bitcoin like what is Bitcoin?. What do people benefit from Bitcoin?. How it works. As you know, the price of Bitcoin is